Black Pen Recruitment battles local youth unemployment

Hundreds of youth mainly from Joe Slovo and other part of Cape Town were provided with significant information by one of SA’s top immigration lawyer on how to “gain a competitive advantage over others when job hunting”

JOE SLOVO (MILNERTON), CAPE TOWN: As the youth unemployment rate continues to increase in South Africa, the Youth Unemployment Prevention Programme (YUPP) hosted a seminar for approximately 300 youth in Joe Slovo, Milnerton, this past weekend. The motivation behind the event was in order for those in attendance to gain a significant revelation about how to get a competitive advantage above others when job hunting, with one of SA’s top immigration lawyers, Nora Dawud, sharing her extensive knowledge she has gained over the years as a specialist in the field.

Unemployment rates released by the Department of Statistics during the first quarter of 2019 revealed that youth aged 15-24 are the mot vulnerable (55.2% unemployment rate), with graduates in this same age group at a 31% unemployment rate; a massive increase from the 19.5% it was during the same time period last year.

Joined by former Minister of Finance, Trevor Manuel, both agreed upon what the main reason for unemployment was and why some people just never seem to have any luck in securing any job they apply for. As Manual stated in agreement, it. Is “not a lack of skills by an applicant, but in fact the attitude displayed be the individual during the hiring process”.

Addressing the youth on this point, Dawud and Manuel explained it to the surprised attendees by stating: “Just remember, no one owes anyone a job. And without the right attitude, you won’t find a job, as any business looks for individuals that seem to be someone that will fit in with everyone else as part of the team, and also will be an asset in the way they treat and make customers feel.

“Therefore, if any doubts creep in about this, such a candidate will be unlikely to be the chosen one, specifically as employees are also seen as brand ambassadors for any company they work for.” Dawud suggested that at the very least, if invited for an interview, “perhaps practise with a trusted friend or family member a couple of days prior as to how you are coming across, taking their constructive criticism to heart without being offended, and then keeping this in mind when you are being interviewed.”

First impressions last; Dawud shares insight into what an ideal CV should look like

Dawud (who in addition also established a recruitment agency), addressed the youngsters on how to make the best possible first impression based on what an ideal CV should look like and what information it should contain (or not). In addition, she then provided insight into what can be done in order to increase one’s chances to be shortlisted for any employment opportunities, revealed comprehensive job searching advice and crucial interview tips.

Some of the most essential tools, Dawud revealed, that any CV should include are contact details, a profile, key accomplishments, education, job experience, extra curricular activities, language skills and references. In turn, she highlighted that some of the top mistakes made by applicants and should therefore be avoided at all cost, range from not only submitting an outdated CV, but also mentioning one’s sexuality, religious beliefs, political affiliations, as well as any work failures. She added that any exaggerations, promises that cannot be delivered, spelling mistakes and applying for jobs that the individual is not suitable for, which can result in being blacklisted, should also be excluded. “The layout and design of the CV itself should be neat and concise, a maximum of up to 2 pages, with no picture included. Together with an appropriate design, the CV should be submitted as a PDF document,” she added.

More valuable factors to win a potential future employer over

Dawud addressed some of the most valuable factors, such as what would possibly impress those reviewing all applications even further, such as adapting the CV for the desired position, where generic characteristics are replaced by specific strengths suitable for the position – selling oneself similar to what one would do with a desirable product, convincing anyone that this is exactly what they have been looking for and have been missing out on.

Her job searching tips include creating a LinkedIn as well as Indeed profile and that one should keep an eye out on all social media platforms. “Should you be invited for any job interviews, it’s absolutely crucial that you are punctual, attentive, positive, dressed appropriately and your passion, enthusiasm and eagerness should be undeniable at all times,” she further explained.

Those in attendance also left the gathering inspired with additional knowledge such as addressing the recruiter personally by name and surname, if known, when drafting an application letter and that the writing style should remain formal, but not uptight. The kinds of jobs available and in high demand, together with the requirements needed for these positions, also ensured that the future for these looked a whole lot brighter, with far more of an advantage above others than they imagined prior to the event.


In order to combat the “brain drain” with highly qualified local individuals leaving the country, this successful immigration lawyer plays a massive part in assisting foreigners who are highly qualified and can, therefore, benefit South Africa in a major way, to obtain the necessary critical skills visas in order to work and live in Mzansi – positions that are not able to be fulfilled by any local residents. Those interested in learning more about Dawud can do so by visiting and

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